Monday 26 November 2012

Another example of Hanoi Towers.

Find another example of Hanoi Towers on C++

  -> This C++ program is to solve the towers of hanoi problem.
  -> Implemented using recursion.
  -> Works in Microsoft VC++ 6.0 , windows xp.
  -> Header files used 1)iostream.h
void move(int n,char *s,char *i,char *d)
// s stands for source tower
// d stands for destination tower
// i stands for intermediate tower
  // move n-1 disks from source to intermediate tower
  cout<<”disk “<<n<<” is moved from “<<s<<” to “<<d<<endl;
  // move the disk from to source to destination
  // move n-1 disks from intermediate to destination
void main()
 cout<<”This C++ program is to solve the towers of hanoi problem”;
 cout<<”Enter the no. of disks “;
 int n;
 move(n,”source tower”,”intermediate tower”,”destination tower”);

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